Vibrating Screen Mesh

High Tensile Vibrating Screen Cloth for Scalping, Sizing & Sifting- Vibratory Scalping Screen

Vibrating Screen is a specialized wire mesh screen in industrial processes for sorting, grading, or sieving powders, granules, liquids, and solids. Vibrating screen cloth is used to separate particles by using vibration to agitate the material, causing it to pass through the screen mesh. Vibrating sifting mesh can effectively remove impurities and ensure consistent particle sizes in mining ore separation, coal screening, sifting, scalping and sizing. Vibrating screen is a high tensile woven wire screen also known as Vibratory Scalping Screen, vibrating screen cloth, mining screen mesh, sifting mesh.


Durable and efficient wire mesh screens;
Robust construction;
High tensile strength;
Precision in separating materials by size;
Abrasion resistance for tough materials.


Heavy duty woven wire mesh vibrating screen is commonly used in mining, metallurgy, construction and recycling industries.

Heavy Duty woven wire cloth screen panel with plain hooks for mining

Weave Options:

  • Double Crimp Weave (Common): For sizing and scalping applications.
  • Flat Top: Minimized friction, extended screen life, for scalping and demanding tasks.
  • Inter Crimp Weave (Lighter Duty): Provides a larger open area for less abrasive materials.
  • Rectangular Slot (High Moisture): Screens materials for high moisture content.
  • Long Slot (Damp Material): Suitable for dedusting and screening damp materials.
double crimp weave type

Double Crimp

flat top weave type

Flat Top

inter crimp type


rectangular slot type

Rectangular Slot

long slot type

Long Slot

Edge Options:

  • Cut Edges: Simple & Cost-Effective
  • Plain Hooks (Secure Fit): For medium to heavy-duty applications, these hooks latch onto the screen frame for a secure fit. (Generally for wire diameter 8.0mm or above).
  • Sheathed Hooks (Enhanced Durability): Similar to plain hooks, with an added protective sheath for high abrasion resistance. (Generally for wire diameter 7.1mm or below).
sheathed hooks

Sheathed Hooks

plain hooks

Plain Hooks

cut edges

Cut Edges

Ordering Information:

plain hooks edge screen detailed drawing
  • Specify the edge type (cut edges, plain hooks, or sheathed hooks) or provide a drawing for custom requirements.
  • Indicate aperture (mesh size), wire diameter, weave pattern, and material.
  • Provide screencloth length and width. If hooks are needed, specify the O.H.W. (Over Hooks Width) dimension.


  • Fine mesh (2-1000 mesh) in galvanized and SS304
  • Perforated metal (hole size 1-25 mm) in galvanized and mild steel

Hook Edged Vibrating Screen

The edge construction is critical for proper installation and screen life. We recommend vibrating screen cloth with hooked edge:

High tensile hooked edge vibrating screen mesh cloth for coal mine

Flat-Top High Tensile Steel Woven Wire Screen Specifications

  • Material: High Tensile Steel (High Carbon 0.64-0.71%)
  • Standard: GB699-88 NO: 60-65 MINIMUM
  • Aperture Accuracy: Aperture must be within ±5%. For example, if the specified aperture is 10.00 mm, the final aperture after weaving should be within a minimum of 9.5 mm and a maximum of 10.50 mm.
  • Weave Type: Flat-Top Weave
  • Edges: Hooked Edges
  • OHW Clarification: OHW stands for “Overall Hook Width”. It refers to the total width of the screen panel, including the width of the opening (aperture) and the diameter of the wires on both sides, but not accounting for the hooked edges themselves. The hooked edges are for securing the screen, and their width might vary slightly depending on the manufacturer. Therefore, OHW provides a more consistent measurement for the screen itself.

Screen Sizes and Specifications:

TypeWidth (OHW)Width (OHW)ApertureWire DiameterQuantity
A1219 mm2410 mm25.4 mm7.1 mm200 pieces
B1372 mm2082 mm9.5 mm4.0 mm80 pieces
C1232 mm2057 mm44.50 mm11.2 mm100 pieces

We can help select the appropriate weave, material, and edge type, and providing detailed specifications, and deliver quality high tensile wire mesh screen cloths for your specific application.

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